This is a large Instant coffee machine. Perfect for high volume sites that are looking for a huge amount of flexibility in drink options and functions. This Matrix Expression Coffee machine has a Built-in menu including standard/ large/maxi sizes plus regular/strong/mild drinks with a full audit facility. This Coffee machine has the same whipping system as the Magnums and Sovereigns. This machine also offers an Advanced solid state heating 3kw (13A) / 4.8kw (20A) liters
Each drink can be Programming in grams & millilitres therefore setting the perfect recipe for your drinks. Integral flush system. This machine can either be connected via mains water or pumped versions available. This machine provides 15 premium drinks including jug and hot water plus mild/strong, maxi/large selections.
Espresso – LatteMocha – White Coffee
Black Coffee – Cappuccino
Hot chocolate – Hot water measured and on demand
Large cup Size – Choco Milk
Height: 76cm
Depth: 53cm
Width: 36cm
Max Cup Height: ??cm
Weight: 36kg