Vitro S5 manufactured by CoffeTek who are currently market leaders within the UK.
The Vitro S5 is an excellent coffee machine with a great 150 cups per day capacity. Perfect for sites looking for an excellent consistent coffee option. The S5 has the option to produce This reliable and very popular machine produces a range of hot speciality drinks such as:
– Full range of espresso milk drinks
-Full range of Decaf Instant Drinks
– Hot Chocolate
-Hot Water
This machine is ideal for hospitality, Hair salons and offices. The Vitro S5 produces 10 quality hot drinks with a 14g brewing unit.
You will be able to offer a wide range of espresso based drinks, to satisfy the tastes of the most demanding consumers.
Vitro S5 is suitable for any location that consumes up to 150 cups per day.
Download the brochure or call us now 01202 800600 or Email [email protected]